Concussion Return to Play Policy

The evaluation of an athlete with a suspected concussion or an injury resulting in said athlete not participating in practice or a game should be thorough. All concussed or injured athletes must be cleared for return to play by a sports medicine professional.

Concussion or Suspected Concussion
This form must be completed prior to the athletes return: USA HOCKEY CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT RETURN TO PLAY FORM
The USA Hockey Concussion Management Protocol and most state statutes require that an athlete be removed from any training, practice or game if they exhibit any signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion or are suspected of sustaining a concussion. The player should not return to physical activity until he or she has been evaluated by a qualified medical provider who has provided written clearance to return to sports. This form is to be used after an athlete has been removed from athletic activity due to a suspected concussion and must be signed by their medical provider in order to return without restriction to training, practice or competition.
USA Hockey Concussion Management Program

Ramapo Saints significant injury Return to Play Policy
Defines a significant Injury as any injury that a player sustains that requires the player to be absent from hockey for a period greater than five days. Examples are, but not limited to, broken bones, severe sprains or strains, major lacerations, respiratory incidents, etc. (Contagious infections or viruses require immediate leave of absence and require a medical clearance for the players return to team activity.) After a concussion, suspected concussion and or significant injury has occurred the team manager and coaches are required to report the injury to the Ramapo Saints SafeSport Coordinator. The SafeSport Coordinator will inform the Hockey Director and President. Together with the injured player, parents/guardians and medical professionals will determine the best course of action for each individual player. No player can return to any on ice or off ice activity without our receipt of specific medical clearance from the attending physician.  If a players return to play note from the medical practitioner contains conditions the players return must be approved by the RYHA board. No returning player is to participate without RYHA board approval. Full protective gear is required at all times.

If in the immediate return to play the player experiences any pain or symptoms, the player must be re-evaluated by a physician.